Invest in getting the Wild Coast mapped

Please consider sponsoring a few Google Maps Street View images  (Click here to see the first images)

Sponsor the capture and processing of Google Street View images. In return you get a Wild Coast holiday voucher to the same value.

A win win all ‘round;
You get accommodation/ guide vouchers to the value of your sponsorship.

The images you sponsor  result in Google Street  View routes that point to village enterprises in the villages of the Wild Coast.

Together we help protect the environment of this magnificent regions , together we magnificent environment keep the Wild Coast Wild. 

More often than not, well intending handouts are a scourge rather than the intended helping hand. It’s time to reinvent how best to offer a helping hand; the principle of this entire initiative is to create a collaborative, systematic tourism based career path with zero barrier to entry that brings the benefits of adventure tourism to the region.

By capturing and uploading the unmapped roads, tracks, adventure trails of the wild coast to Google Maps Street View and then linking them to homestay accommodation, hotels and local guides, the Umzila Ka Bawo Expedition is the first step in bringing the benefits of adventure tourism to the people living in the villages of the Wild Coast. 

Read the expedition overview 

Payment options

We have sponsorship options with guaranteed, quantifiable returns for any company that would like to sponsor